KinkyCrafter 20081030 – Off to the Event
Short day at work then straight to the event. Should be fun.
Short day at work then straight to the event. Should be fun.
Is it BR yet?
Helped stuff the packets for the BR event coming up this weekend.
Today I worked a lot, took a nap, and started planning for the big event this weekend.
Trying to get everything in some semblance of order at the new place.
Packed some more and then helped out at the club.
Moving the computer and podcasting setup over to ther new place. Hoping for a smooth transition.
Slowly migrating over to the new place and figuring out where everything is going to go.
And then some more work. It’s been a long day.
Went to a tuesday night class on what to expect from the BR event, then moved my cats into the new place.
Getting ready for the big move this weekend.
As part of my restful Sunday, I went out and saw Bill Maher’s new movie, Religulous. Personally I can’t recomend it highly enough.
Today was full of moving things, learning, and playing. It was a good day.
Today was a good day to rest.
Spent the evening cleaning up around the place.
Today’s craft project combines a couple of cheap commonly available items to make a fun and useful toy.
Feel free to contact me with any questions that you have at
Any questions?