Archive for July, 2008

KinkyCrafter 20080715 – More Communication

Great class on communication at the meeting tonight.


KinkyCrafter 20080714 – Nylon braiding

Realized that I hadn’t done any braiding lately, so I pulled the core out of some parachute cord and played around a bit. I’m thinking making a nylon snake whip is in my near future.


KinkyCrafter 20080713 – Shiny new phone

After a 3 hr wait in line I have a shiny new phone.


KinkyCrafter 20080712 – Rope and Relaxation

Relaxing day. Had a fun rope scene at the club.


KinkyCrafter 20080711 – Yay Friday

This week was pretty rough, so I’m glad that I have an enjoyable weekend to look forward to.


KinkyCrafter 20080710 – Back to work

Feeling better, got some work done today, generally just trying to get things back on track.


KinkyCrafter 20080709 – Sick Day

Apparently I have a cold. Blerg.


KinkyCrafter 20080708 – Individuality and labels

Went to an interesting educational meeting that covered Identification, label, titles, etc.


KinkyCrafter 20080707 – Not feeling very creative at the moment

I’m feeling a little burned out from the move and work so things have been a little quiet lately. Things should be improving shortly.


KinkyCrafter 20080706 – Lazy Sunday

Finally settled in, rested up, laundry done, etc. at the new place. Restful weekend, busy week at work ahead, followed by a fun weekend. Life is good.


KinkyCrafter 20080705 – Goth Club

Went out to a club with some friends, watched some dancing, had fun hanging out.


KinkyCrafter 20080704 – Happy Independence Day

Hope everyone had a nice relaxing holiday. I know I did.


KinkyCrafter 20080703 – Recovery

Getting settled into the new place, computer and audio setup back up and running. Long weekend to rest and recuperate.


KinkyCrafter 20080702 – Unpacking

I officially have too much stuff.


KinkyCrafter 20080701 – Volunteering

Started helping out with membership for BR.
